Living and working more simply,
but with enthusiasm!

With the growing concern surrounding climate change and the protection of the environment among private individuals and businesses alike, ecological viewpoints and practices are still far too often seen as an obligation, deprivation or restriction. Given the current realignment of businesses and the political world to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, there is an urgent need to stir up the imagination in the area of energy sobriety and sustainability to get everyone moving in the same direction.

The project

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private individual


“Les freins vers la sobriété carbone ne sont pas techniques mais psychologiques et organisationnels”
Antoine Morlighem - Responsable éditorial senior, Décideurs Magazine
22 February 2022
Quel transféreur êtes vous ?
Marine Girard - Responsable des nouveaux programmes chez A4MT
22 February 2022
Comment une organisation réussit-elle (ou pas ?) son entrée dans une culture de sobriété ?
Cédric Borel - Directeur général de A4MT
22 February 2022